Taking Action for Cleaner Air, Bekasi Regency Government Responds to Air Pollution Reduction Policy

Taking Action for Cleaner Air, Bekasi Regency Government Responds to Air Pollution Reduction Policy

PersatuanindoNEWS.com - The Bekasi Regency Government is set to take action in response to instructions issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs regarding air pollution reduction policies. This was announced by the Secretary of the Regency, Dedy Supriyadi, during a meeting at the Wibawa Mukti Building, Bekasi Regency Government, on Thursday (24/8/2023).

According to the received instructions, it is known that air pollution in the Jabodetabek area, including Bekasi Regency, is largely caused by transportation. Around 20% of the pollution contributions come from activities such as school commuting. In response to these instructions, the Bekasi Regency Government plans to allocate funds to support programs aimed at reducing pollution levels in the region.

"We have recently received the issued instructions. We will take immediate action to allocate the appropriate budget to support the air pollution control program in each respective area," said Dedy Supriyadi, the Secretary of Bekasi Regency.

The Bekasi Regency Government acknowledges the importance of efforts to prevent air pollution for the health and well-being of the community. Therefore, with the instructions from the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Bekasi Regency Government is committed to implementing concrete measures to reduce air pollution levels in the Jabodetabek area.

In this regard, the Bekasi Regency Government will collaborate with relevant stakeholders, including agencies at the provincial and other regency/city levels within the Jabodetabek area, to design and implement effective policies to curb air pollution. It is hoped that with good cooperation between the government and the community, the shared goal of reducing air pollution can be achieved successfully.

The Bekasi Regency Government will continue to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the air pollution reduction policy. With the commitment and cooperation of all parties involved, it is expected that Bekasi Regency and the Jabodetabek area as a whole can become a cleaner and healthier environment for the entire population.


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