This was marked by a handover ceremony of the E-TLE devices at the South Tangerang Police Headquarters (Polres Tangsel) on Wednesday (August 16), where the handover was carried out directly by the Mayor of Tangsel, Mr. H. Benyamin Davnie, and the Chief of Police of Tangsel, AKBP Faisal Febrianto, S.I.K., M.Si.
In his address as the inspector of the ceremony, Benyamin Davnie explained that the South Tangerang City government has granted three (3) E-TLE mobile devices to the South Tangerang Police.
"The traffic violations in South Tangerang City are very complex, and it is our collective responsibility," clarified Benyamin Davnie.
"Therefore, the South Tangerang City government, through the Department of Transportation, is providing assistance in the form of three (3) Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement mobile devices to the South Tangerang Police, in order to carry out law enforcement actions in South Tangerang City," he continued.
The Mayor of Tangsel also stated that the purpose of the E-TLE mobile devices is to assist in handling traffic violation cases that have recently become rampant due to the growth of transportation modes. The objective of the E-TLE Mobile devices is to describe the implementation of fines through E-Tilang for traffic violators based on Law No. 22 of 2009.
With the presence of these E-TLE mobile devices, it is hoped that traffic violations can be reduced and the number of traffic accidents can be suppressed, thus creating a culture of orderly traffic, especially in South Tangerang City.
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